Evil Laugh

Evil Laugh
Directed by Dominick Brascia
Produced by Johnny Venocur
Written by Steven Baio
Starring Myles O'Brien,
Dominick Brascia,
Jerold Pearson,
Kim McKamy
Distributed by Cinevest Entertainment Group/Baio-Brascia-Venokur Productions/Wildfire Productions/Celebrity Video Presentations
Release date(s) March 1988
Running time 87 min
Country USA
Language English

Evil Laugh is independent film/horror film/splatter/slasher, that touched on a tongue-in-cheek approach, with avid Fangoria reader Barney providing the voice of reason.


Actor / Actress Character
Kim McKamy Connie
Steven Baio Johnny
Tony Griffin Sammy
Jerold Pearson Barney
Myles O'Brien Mark
Jody Gibson Tina
Howard Weiss Mr. Burns
Karyn O'Bryan Betty
Susan Grant Sadie
Gary Hays Jerry
Hal Shafer Chief Cash
Johnny Venocur Freddy
Tom Shell Delivery Boy
Dominick Brascia Evil Laugher

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